From time immemorial Sri Lanka has had a sparkling reputation for highly treasured gems.
Sri Lanka became known as Ratna Deepa(The Island of Gems). Nature in her bounty has chosen the bosom of Sri Lanka to enshrine some of her rarest treasures.
The most notable are:- Blue Sapphire:A blue stone with a silvery streak, said to protect its Wearer. Alexandrite: the rarest and possibly the most beautiful of stones.
Stur Ruby: its colour ranges from pale pink to red with a sulky streak.
Yellow Sapphire:poetically known as the “pollen of flowers” because of its soft yellow colouring. Star Sapphire: a rich blue star stone with snowy streaks, said to bring good luck.
Amethyst: a rich purple stone.
Garnet: A deep purplish-red stone, unique for its richness of colour.
Moonstone: a pale blue stone with silvery light only found in Sri Lanka and said to possess the power of tranquilizing its wearer.

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