SRI LANKA - A home to one of the oldest civilizations in the world.
The land area of 25,483 mi² (65,610 km²) is home for all this and much more; at longitudes N79-82° and latitudes E5-10° in the heart of Indian ocean, 32 km away from the Indian sub-continent lies this magical Island of ancient "Ceylon", modern "Sri Lanka", has a long history dating back to hundred years before the birth of Christ.
The little tropical island is blessed with a great variety of beautiful landscapes & famous for its Gems and the best Teas in the world. The beaches of Sri Lanka have captivated visitors for centuries.Sri Lanka has an extraordinary rich bio-diversity. Within the confines of 65,600 square Kilometers inhabit over 600 species of terrestrial vertebrates. For instance, there are 82 mammals, over400 birds, 133 reptiles, and 54 amphibians. The cultural triangle is a traditional feature of the most token island tour. But there is another Sri Lanka. In the fresh hillside air, here is a chance to feel the sun on your back and a freedom in your soul. You may want nothing more than an excuse for a gentle stroll in the sunshine. Thee are so many places to visit and still feel that Sri Lanka still had many delights unrevealed.

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